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Pottstown Soccer Club - Soccer for the family

Pottstown Soccer Club - Soccer for the family


What do my registration fees cover?
o   Registration fees provide your child with a team and complete uniform (shirt, shorts and socks).

Do I have to live in the Pottstown School District to play?
o   No.  We have players from the surrounding area in our league as well.

How do I become a coach or volunteer?
o   You can sign up for whatever volunteer position (coach, assistant coach, field help, etc) when registering your child.  We are an all volunteer organization and are always looking for volunteer help. If you do not have a child registered but would like to volunteer, please email  [email protected]

When does the season start?
o   The fall season starts in mid-September.
o   The spring season starts in early April.

Level of commitment?
o   Youth players would be one hour Saturday mornings as well as about an hour during the week for practices.  U6 doesn't not practice during the week. 

How many kids on a team?
o   The number of kids on a team depends on how many kids sign up for that age group.  Typically Pee Wee teams are capped around 12 or 13 players and Youth teams are usually consist of 9 to 11 players.

What is the team format?
o   The Youth teams typically play U6- 3x3 , U8 -5 x 5 no goalie.  U10s its 7v7 with a goalie .  
o   The U6 teams have a 30 minute practice followed by a 30 minute game with the team on the next field.

How much does it cost?
o   Regular registration is $50 per child.  Pottstown residents receive a discount.

Where are practices held?
o   Practices are held at various field locations and are determined by the coaches of each team.  Maples St Park, Manatawny Park and Hollenbach Parks are our practice locations.

Is everyone guaranteed a team?

o Yes, as long as you sign up during regular registration.  If you sign up during late registration we try our best to get everyone on a team but it all depends on the numbers.

How are the teams picked?
o   Teams are picked based on where players live and where they go to school.  Youth teams practice during the week so we try to group players based on area so it is easier to organize a practice site.

Can I request that my child be on a specific team or with a specific coach?
o   If you want your child on a specific team or with another child, please make a note of it in the comment section. We try to honor teammate or coach requests whenever possible, however they must be made during regular registration.  Once regular registration has closed and we have started the team making process, we cannot always accommodate special requests.

Are there tryouts?
o   There are no tryouts for intramural teams, once registered everyone is on a team.  If your child wishes to play in a more competitive environment check with our coaches for more information.

When is registration open?
o   We have two registration periods, one for the fall and one for the spring. The exact dates will be listed on our website once they are determined.

How do I register?
o   First you will need to create an account with us.  If you already have one all you need to do is click the register button at the top of the page and the system will walk you through it.

What are the divisions?
o   We don’t have set divisions as other leagues do. We separate our players based on gender, age, location and practice availability but the exact divisions are made once registration has ended.  Historically our "divisions" are 5-6 yr olds, 7-8 yr olds and 8-10 yr olds with 11 years old and up playing in the SCSL.

What equipment is needed?
o   The only required equipment is appropriately sized shin guards and a ball.  Non-metal cleats are recommended but NOT required.

If I choose to purchase a ball for my child, what size should I get?
o    5-6 year olds play with a size 3 ball, 7-8 year olds should also be using a size 3, however a size 4 is permitted and is appropriate for larger players, 9-10 year olds play with a size 4.

What if I don’t have coaching experience but want to help/coach?
o   We welcome any and all volunteers, experienced and non-experienced.  We run coaches clinics as well as have manuals posted on our website that can be used for guidance. 

What if I have other questions?
Any questions that you need answers to please email [email protected] and someone will be glad to answer them for you.

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